Work hard, play hard.

Friday, January 19, 2007

what's it like going from 80F to -1F?

What is like going from 80F to -1F?

I tell you it's just as great. I enjoyed the Hawaii trip. And I am glad to be home. I took over 1000 pictures, 9.4GB total. I wen to Oahu and Maui. The pictures can go into these categories: 1) bird's eye view from the plane (before landing in Kona and LA) 2) diamond head 3) along oahu shoreline and beach (including hanauma bay) 4) polynesian center (day and night) 5) USS missouri and USS bofin 6) mauri shoreline (northwest) 7) hana highway 8) humpback watching 9) haha.

On the way back I had a connection at LA. For a moment I thought about making a visit to Nikon's service center at El Segundo. They inadvertantly damanged my camera when I sent it in for service back in December (cosmetic only). But something else stopped me. It's still early in the morning and I can see the congestion on the highway already. Okay Not today.

I like Hawaii. I will go back and revisit maui and explore other islands. I don't regret visiting oahu though. It's something everbody needs to go through. Actually oahu still has a couple spots that intrigues me.

Still I am glad to be home. What makes it better is an honor award from the registrar's office. I know some people are going to tease me for spending too much time on the Internet.

Friday afternoon I took off early so I can go night ski at brighton(2 resorts offer night ski in the area). We just had another 10" at the brighton resort thanks to the Colorado folks. The snow is great. It's kind of cold at night at -1F, but it didn't stop me from having fun.

School started two weeks ago and I am now back to the 17 hour day schedule. So I am afraid I won't have much time writing up my trip stories. Will try.

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